Ilikai Hotel Salon
1777 Ala Moana Blvd Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Ilikai Hotel 1st Floor
9:00AM - 7:00PM
we are open 7 days
【For those who use valet parking at Ilikai Hotel】
- ◆ Customers paying over $100 in services will receive a validation ticket for the Ilikai Hotel valet parking for the length of your stay, up to 2 hours.
◆ Customers paying over $200 in services will receive a validation ticket for the Ilikai Hotel valet parking for the length of your stay.
【For other parking】
- ◆ We recommend parking at the pay parking located on the ocean side of the Ilikai Hotel, in front of the Hilton Lagoon ($1/hr). You are able to access the second floor of the Ilikai Hotel from the parking lot by walking up the slope hallway. We will validate your parking ticket for the length of your stay.
◆ Any other customers who parked in other parking lots will still receive cash back at $1 per hour, in accordance with the length of your stay.